Der Greif - A Process (Front)
Der Greif - A Process (Spine)
Der Greif - A Process (Back)
Sample page 1 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 2 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 3 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 4 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 5 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 6 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 7 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 8 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 9 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 10 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Sample page 11 for book " Der Greif – A Process",
Hardcover, print run 900, manually numberd, open binding, embossed cover.
»A Process ∙ Ein Prozess« features new combinations of photography and poetry as well as essays from Jörg M. Colberg, Dirk von Gehlen, Annekathrin Kohout, Andreas Langen and Dr. Thomas Elsen (both German and English) – extending and continuing the first exhibition of Der Greif.
Including images of 80 photographers and poems of 4 authors as well as essays of 5 authors, not to forget an index of all 279 participating photographers.
»A Process · Ein Prozess« is an extension of the work performed during a 7 weeks time-frame at Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus by Der Greif. It is conceived as a third exhibition-room next to the gallery and exhibiton-website, extending the visions on combinations that were created with the submited photographs and texts. It shows a condensed selection of photographic combinations and poetry, standing for itself and being enjoyable without having visited the exhibition.
It is up to the viewer to dig into the context of the exhibition. The exhibition-website, which is both documentary and exhibition-space, can be used to gather information about the contributing photographers and authors as well as newly created contexts of single photographs in the book.
With works by Nicholas Albrecht, Ekaterina Anokhina, Guy Archard, Liesa Aumeier, Simone Alexandra Ærsøe, B. Bellabas, Amanda Boe, Clarissa Bonet, Tim Bowditch, Tim Bruening, Ronald Brul, Michael Bussell, Jade Cantwell, Tiago Casanova, Nathalie Daoust, Mariusz Drezniak, Cédric Dubus, Magali Duzant, Yael Eban, Luca Florino, Catarina Fontoura, Jillian Freyer, Matteo Gatti, Alexander Gehring, Katharina Glocker, Kati Göttfried, Katrin Greiner, Albert Grondahl, Eva Maria Großmann, Luisa Hanika, Lina Hashim, Sarah Hinrichs, Robin Hinsch, Alexandra Höhn, Corine Hörmann, Nina Hove, Frédéric Iovino, Karen Irmer, Nina Jahn, Acacia Johnson, Yoshi Kametani, Federico Kenis, Alex Kern, Michael Koch, Marica Kolcheva, Luba Kozorezova, Julia Krüger, Aleksandra Kubos, Marcin Kwiecien, Ludovic Landolt, Jana Lange, Malene Korsgaard Lauritsen, Robin Lopvet, Melanie Meißner, Andrei Nacu, Drew Nikonowicz, Maria Oliveira, Igor Omulecki, Benedetta Panisson, Benedikt Partenheimer, Heide Prange, Emily Raw, Tina Remiz, Frank Rossi, Johanna Ruebel, Adrian Samson, Josefine Seifert, Camille Sonally, Alnis Stakle, Dana Stirling, Sarah Straßmann, Ray Tanaka, Kate Trevessey, Manuel van Dyck, And Van Resen, Julie van der Vaart, Aya Watada, Yana Wernicke, Sophie Willison and Piotr Zbierski.
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Pages: 112
Place: Augsburg
Year: 2014
Publisher: Der Greif
Size: 23 x 30 cm (approx.)