josef chladek

on photobooks and books

Mark Neville - Port Glasgow, Self Published, Inverclyde Council, 2004, Glasgow


Harcover with dustjacket, design by Robert Dalrymple, edition of 8000 copies.

„In 2004 Neville spent a year as an artist in residence in Port Glasgow, the world centre for shipbuilding fifty years ago, now a town facing an industrial and economic decline. The result of this stay was a beautifully produced coffee table-style book conceived as a symbolic gift to the community. The book was uniquely delivered, free, to the eight thousand households in the Port by the members of the local Boys Football Club. In this way, rather than having a public artwork imposed upon them, the Portonians received a document of their lives and of their participation as both the hosts and protagonists of an artistic experiment. The book is not available anywhere else, commercially or otherwise, in shops or by mail order.“

Pages: 96
Place: Glasgow
Year: 2004
Publisher: Self Published, Inverclyde Council
Size: 30 x 25 cm (approx.)

Included in "The Photobook: A History Volume III" by Parr/Badger
>> see more Vol. III picks here

 Mark Neville - Port Glasgow (Front)

Mark Neville - Port Glasgow (Front)

 Mark Neville - Port Glasgow (Spine)

Mark Neville - Port Glasgow (Spine)

 Mark Neville - Port Glasgow (Back)

Mark Neville - Port Glasgow (Back)

Sample page 1 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 1 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 2 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 2 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 3 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 3 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 4 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 4 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 5 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 5 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 6 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 6 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 7 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 7 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 8 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 8 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 9 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 9 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 10 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 10 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 11 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 11 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 12 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 12 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 13 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 13 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 14 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 14 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 15 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 15 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 16 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 16 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

Sample page 17 for book  Mark Neville – Port Glasgow

Sample page 17 for book " Mark Neville – Port Glasgow",

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Harcover with dustjacket, design by Robert Dalrymple, edition of 8000 copies.

„In 2004 Neville spent a year as an artist in residence in Port Glasgow, the world centre for shipbuilding fifty years ago, now a town facing an industrial and economic decline. The result of this stay was a beautifully produced coffee table-style book conceived as a symbolic gift to the community. The book was uniquely delivered, free, to the eight thousand households in the Port by the members of the local Boys Football Club. In this way, rather than having a public artwork imposed upon them, the Portonians received a document of their lives and of their participation as both the hosts and protagonists of an artistic experiment. The book is not available anywhere else, commercially or otherwise, in shops or by mail order.“

Pages: 96
Place: Glasgow
Year: 2004
Publisher: Self Published, Inverclyde Council
Size: 30 x 25 cm (approx.)

Included in "The Photobook: A History Volume III" by Parr/Badger
>> see more Vol. III picks here