hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) - Check Out, hornschaft, 2017, Birmingham/Berlin
Hardcover, 500 copies hand-numbered, includes ltd edition 10" vinyl. Desgin by hornschaft.
„Check Out“ is a project involving sound, images and verses. It is divided into sections (chapters / tracks) and has three main granularities, i.e. excess, exposure, and death.
More specifically:
- Excess as an event of exceedance that stretches time and sight. Silence winning back space, clouds thickening. Catalysts of attention like objects underwater, recurring numbers or shapes – swaying branches, TV series charging a day with three hours too many. Excessive care or procrastination, high sense of alertness: “Check Out, that is notable / happening”.
- Exposure like in Latin’s ex·ponere, “to pose oneself out”, implicitly meaning interruption, abandon: “Check Out of here, get exposed”. A sudden moment of loneliness blurring thresholds with the surroundings. Lengthening shadows, darkness falling. Staying longer than a visit paid.
Allowing for things to happen to the exposed, exposure is handled by the project in connection to indulgence, acceptance (accept scratches, precipices), and
- death: “Amen, Check Out”. It is possible to die of expo- su- re, i.e. dying of not being in the own Place of Nature. One can die of excess, too, that is dying of augmented presence. And then possibly, there is a death of resilience or slowing up, which is a mournful one.
All along its sequence, Check Out seeks to promote detachment, generate networks of meanings beyond a specific context: Narrow framing, tones overflowing. Nevertheless, these are still sounds and images, somehow highlighting existence.
But there are glitches, asymmetries if images and sounds are of people, which might be caught while stiffening already – watching the carousel from the outside – thus trimming them into frames beyond context can sometimes incur the paradox of capturing more of death than life happening.
Check Out is published as a hardcover photobook and marketed (also) as a LP record.
The book includes one hand numbered 10” vinyl from a limited edition pressing of 500 copies, whose tracks have been com- posed for / executed with a single guitar and recorded in one take during night, in the corridors of a school in Nowa Huta (Krakow, PL).
Book: http://hornschaft.com/check-out-the-book/
Music: https://soundcloud.com/hornschaft/
Pages: 48
Place: Birmingham/Berlin
Year: 2017
Publisher: hornschaft
Size: 28 x 29 cm (approx.)
hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini)...
hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini)...
hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini)...
Sample page 1 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 2 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 3 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 4 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 5 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 6 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 7 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 8 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 9 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 10 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 11 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 12 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Sample page 13 for book " hornschaft (Alessandro Incorvaia and Giordano Simoncini) – Check Out", josefchladek.com
Books to shop at placartphoto.com
Hardcover, 500 copies hand-numbered, includes ltd edition 10" vinyl. Desgin by hornschaft.
„Check Out“ is a project involving sound, images and verses. It is divided into sections (chapters / tracks) and has three main granularities, i.e. excess, exposure, and death.
More specifically:
- Excess as an event of exceedance that stretches time and sight. Silence winning back space, clouds thickening. Catalysts of attention like objects underwater, recurring numbers or shapes – swaying branches, TV series charging a day with three hours too many. Excessive care or procrastination, high sense of alertness: “Check Out, that is notable / happening”.
- Exposure like in Latin’s ex·ponere, “to pose oneself out”, implicitly meaning interruption, abandon: “Check Out of here, get exposed”. A sudden moment of loneliness blurring thresholds with the surroundings. Lengthening shadows, darkness falling. Staying longer than a visit paid.
Allowing for things to happen to the exposed, exposure is handled by the project in connection to indulgence, acceptance (accept scratches, precipices), and
- death: “Amen, Check Out”. It is possible to die of expo- su- re, i.e. dying of not being in the own Place of Nature. One can die of excess, too, that is dying of augmented presence. And then possibly, there is a death of resilience or slowing up, which is a mournful one.
All along its sequence, Check Out seeks to promote detachment, generate networks of meanings beyond a specific context: Narrow framing, tones overflowing. Nevertheless, these are still sounds and images, somehow highlighting existence.
But there are glitches, asymmetries if images and sounds are of people, which might be caught while stiffening already – watching the carousel from the outside – thus trimming them into frames beyond context can sometimes incur the paradox of capturing more of death than life happening.
Check Out is published as a hardcover photobook and marketed (also) as a LP record.
The book includes one hand numbered 10” vinyl from a limited edition pressing of 500 copies, whose tracks have been com- posed for / executed with a single guitar and recorded in one take during night, in the corridors of a school in Nowa Huta (Krakow, PL).
Book: http://hornschaft.com/check-out-the-book/
Music: https://soundcloud.com/hornschaft/
Pages: 48
Place: Birmingham/Berlin
Year: 2017
Publisher: hornschaft
Size: 28 x 29 cm (approx.)