Evarist Torres - La partitura de Déu (Front)
Evarist Torres - La partitura de Déu (Spine)
Evarist Torres - La partitura de Déu (Back)
Sample page 1 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 2 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 3 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 4 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 5 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 6 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 7 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 8 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 9 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 10 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 11 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 12 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 13 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 14 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 15 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 16 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 17 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Sample page 18 for book " Evarist Torres – La partitura de Déu", josefchladek.com
Softcover, edition of 50 copies.
"La partitura de Déu" is an art project that raises a link between photography and the world of quantum physics. The process of obtaining a photography is already itself a quantum process. The impact of the light particles, photons, participates in the formation of the observed image.
"La partitura de Déu" is referred to the particle musical patterns, repeated as fractals everywhere, regardless of the scale of observation.
The scale of observation divides the project into two parts: Microunivers and Multivers.
At Microunivers, obtained from chromatic aberrations appeared in photographic films, we can identify the wave/particle duality of light. We visualize them randomly; as in the double-slit experiment of Young that certify this duality, light behave sometimes as particles and sometimes as a wave.
Moreover, Multivers reflects the possibility of the existence of parallel universes, some of them almost identical to ours and in which we exist as a multiplicity of infinite variations. Despite these other realities, as in quantum phenomena, imperceptible to our senses, sometimes, for a moment, it seems possible to perceive them, while we ask ourselves: what is reality? What is made up of? How do it set?
Pages: 80
Place: Palma / Spain
Year: 2017
Publisher: Self published
Size: 21 x 30 cm (approx.)