josef chladek

on photobooks and books

Christine Redmond - Sea Change, Artist Photo Books , 2014, Dublin


Softcover. Text by Ian Bamford, design and production by Tony Waddingham.
"This body of work was taken in the Forty-Foot in Dublin Bay, a place which  features significantly within the literary work of James Joyce.  With the donning of bathing suits, the overt signifiers of class and status, as well as social inhibitions, are rendered invisible thanks to the equality brought about through the activity of swimming.  Indeed, for many, the swim has become a regular year-round ritual and an important aspect of their lives where the constraints of everyday existence are washed away by the sea.  The quality of the light, the endless motion of the waves, as well as the sea's ever-changing moods all serve to create an environment where the mundane is immersed within the forces of nature and dissolved into insignificance." (taken from
Order at Artist Photo Books.

Pages: 64
Place: Dublin
Year: 2014
Publisher: Artist Photo Books
Size: 17 x 24 cm (approx.)

 Christine Redmond - Sea Change (Front)

Christine Redmond - Sea Change (Front)

 Christine Redmond - Sea Change (Spine)

Christine Redmond - Sea Change (Spine)

 Christine Redmond - Sea Change (Back)

Christine Redmond - Sea Change (Back)

Sample page 1 for book  Christine Redmond – Sea Change

Sample page 1 for book " Christine Redmond – Sea Change",

Sample page 2 for book  Christine Redmond – Sea Change

Sample page 2 for book " Christine Redmond – Sea Change",

Sample page 3 for book  Christine Redmond – Sea Change

Sample page 3 for book " Christine Redmond – Sea Change",

Sample page 4 for book  Christine Redmond – Sea Change

Sample page 4 for book " Christine Redmond – Sea Change",

Sample page 5 for book  Christine Redmond – Sea Change

Sample page 5 for book " Christine Redmond – Sea Change",

Sample page 6 for book  Christine Redmond – Sea Change

Sample page 6 for book " Christine Redmond – Sea Change",

Sample page 7 for book  Christine Redmond – Sea Change

Sample page 7 for book " Christine Redmond – Sea Change",

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Other books tagged Sea (see all)
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Softcover. Text by Ian Bamford, design and production by Tony Waddingham.
"This body of work was taken in the Forty-Foot in Dublin Bay, a place which  features significantly within the literary work of James Joyce.  With the donning of bathing suits, the overt signifiers of class and status, as well as social inhibitions, are rendered invisible thanks to the equality brought about through the activity of swimming.  Indeed, for many, the swim has become a regular year-round ritual and an important aspect of their lives where the constraints of everyday existence are washed away by the sea.  The quality of the light, the endless motion of the waves, as well as the sea's ever-changing moods all serve to create an environment where the mundane is immersed within the forces of nature and dissolved into insignificance." (taken from
Order at Artist Photo Books.

Pages: 64
Place: Dublin
Year: 2014
Publisher: Artist Photo Books
Size: 17 x 24 cm (approx.)